
时间:2022-11-02 15:34:00 观后感














  Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.



  Leo Tolstoy said, “Happiness lies in living, but life in working.” For an unhappy family, happiness is so far away, but the hero of the Pursuit of Happiness negates it all with his blood.

  He lived in a single-parent family until he found his real father at age 28. He was fired from a securities firm, failed many times in his job, and later turned to selling medical equipment, which was stolen by thieves; He runs around, but no one wants to buy his equipment. He was jailed for parking and being unable to pay back the money; He tried his best to keep his family, but his wife left home resolutely. When he was on the verge of bankruptcy, he still worked hard to do his single responsibility, dedicated to raising his son, always guard beside his son. He is obviously so unfortunate, tragic, but he always believe: as long as today hard enough, happiness will come tomorrow, for the future of his son, he had to bite the bullet, pull himself together, everywhere to knock on the door of opportunity, finally he finally chase their dream, become a successful investment expert.

  In an ordinary person, I saw his firm, tenacious, responsible and the kind of face cold eyes not to compromise, in this era of everything, in the eyes of these children who are not yet minors, not sensible of independence, how to experience his hard and struggling experience. However, in the usual study and life, we have not encountered heavy difficulties and setbacks, but we have not like the father, challenge their own limits, bear the cold eyes and ridicule of others, in the direction of their dreams!

  This movie completely changed my view on happiness. All things are lost before I want to cherish them.Cherish now, is to enjoy happiness. Happiness is around us, every happiness is hard-won. We should cherish the happy life our parents have created for us and face all the difficulties in study and life correctly.No matter what happens, we have no reason to complain, no reason to escape. As long as there is faith, there is infinite power. Only unremitting efforts, happiness will eventually knock!









  Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.


  Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!


  Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?


  Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.


  There is an I in “happiness”,There is no Y in “happiness”,It's an I


  I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.


  Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.


  You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.




“You got a dream, you gotta protect it. Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, or people who can't do anything try to tell you you can't either.” This is a line from the Pursuit of Happiness. There is no doubt that happiness is the permanent state that everyone hopes to get in their life. However, not everyone can be strong enough to have it all the time.

  Comments on the Pursuit of Happiness

  One hundred people have a hundred understandings of happiness. Chris's pursuit of happiness in life lies not only in the endless pace but also in the persistence of his dream. Chris is hard, he's lucky, he's hard.

  Happiness for some people is food and clothing, is the company, but in this film I saw the initial outline of happiness, is to adhere to, is to endure, is to make their own growth and become stronger. However, the success of all this is nothing but rain and sunshine, dripping water through stone, only hard, can find the ideal of the shape.

  After watching the movie, I thought a lot. Everyone has a dream goal, some just talk fast, some in countless hurry to bury it in this era. It doesn't mean you can't be happy without dreams, but you can't experience the happiness of dreams without dreams.

  When I was young, happiness may really be a piece of candy; When you grow up, happiness may turn into a smile and a helping hand. No matter how big the dream, no matter how much happiness, no matter how fast The Times, no matter whether alone, please remember: the world has the ultimate reality, there is the ultimate ideal.


  Happiness? Whenever I see these two words, there is always a nameless impulse in my heart, if I ask: Are you happy? I'm afraid most people would say: I'm happy. What is happiness? Happiness is the pursuit of ideals, family harmony, children well - behaved. If you don't think you are happy then go out of your way to let happiness knock on your door.

  Chris, the hero of The Pursuit of Happiness, is a clever salesman who works hard but can never make his family rich. His wife, Linda, held multiple jobs by herself, but finally could not bear the pressure of life and left. His career failed. Chris was forced to pay taxes by the government after he sold all the money for the scanner. Fortunately, After a lot of hard work, Chris finally got an internship with a stock investment company. There was no salary during the internship, and very few people would be hired. But Chris knew that this was his last chance. Although the poverty of his life was devastating, Chris worked his way up to become a successful investment specialist.

  Chris is a man who dares to face reality and accept responsibility. He is a good father who always protects and creates happiness for himself and his son. After watching this film, I couldn't help but ask myself: Can I do that too? Can I face and go through as much misery and misery as Chris? Have you always believed and been moving towards your goals? I will tell myself a simple test failure, will make you give up? If I had cried before, but now is not the same, I grow up, I can confidently tell myself: no, not. I will certainly be like Chris. Chris can achieve success not only because of his hard work and positive attitude, but also because of the goals he identified and fought for, even if the road is hard. Happiness and dreams are inseparable, set a goal, have a clear pursuit, there is a dream, this is also happiness.

  There is a good saying: things are other people's fate is their own. Since I can't change the world, but I can change myself; I don't know others, but I can control myself; I cannot predict tomorrow, but I can dominate today. Even if my flowers are very light, they are valuable and precious. My future is up to me. Every little bit should be fully invested. In fact, happiness is very close to us, sometimes, just need a hand out of the action, you can harvest happiness.

  As Chris said to his son at basketball: “We should want something, we have to get it, even if someone tells you can't.” Each of us is unique, we only brave big step forward, one day, we will also hear happiness before the door of “dong Dong Dong dong” sound, please must firmly grasp it, do not let it slip away in the hands.


  The torture of life, behind the hardships, hiding a “steel” like heart. It is the persistence of the dream, is the constant struggle with the fate, is a positive attitude towards life. Recently watched a movie, the name is “the pursuit of happyness”, from the title is a comedy, but on the contrary, miserable plot to the point of unbearable, watching the movie, feeling the plot, my heart was shocked, time and again against the protagonist, both in work and life difficulties seem so insignificant. Speaking of which, I can't help but come back to the film again. Cut to the whole scene: Chris Gardner, the hero, sells medical equipment to support his family, while taking care of his son. He worked in hospitals to pay the rent and send his son to kindergarten. Sell his unpractical and very expensive scanner. In the face of great financial pressure, his wife gave up in helplessness, pain and fear, and he lived alone with his son. With no rent, he began to lead a vagrant life with his son. On the one hand, he struggled through a six-month internship without a salary; On the one hand, he sells medical equipment to make a living; On the one hand, he must protect his son's young heart. On Christmas Day, when he and his son were stranded homeless at a bus stop, he used his own humor to make sure his son had the best day of the year, and then spent the longest night in the bathroom hugging each other. When he told his son on the court, “If you have a dream, protect it.” At that moment, he may not be able to hold on to his dream, but he encourages his son to believe in it. When he gritted his teeth and held on, he finally became an official economist, which was closer to his dream. At that moment, standing in the crowd, he was so excited that he didn't know how to express his inner feelings. He rushed to his son and hugged him. The tears in his eyes were tears of happiness at that moment. The ending of the story is very happy, the process of the story with bitterness, torture, helplessness and persistence. More than once I have asked myself, what is happiness? It can't be defined, it can't be interpreted. Through this film, I think happiness is the persistence in suffering, happiness is the moment of breaking through clouds and seeing the light again, happiness is the joy of turning cocoon into butterfly. Happiness grows out of a continual struggle against fate. When I look into Chris Gardner's eyes, What I see is not the source of happiness, but the greatness of dreams. We all have our own dreams, and those who persist turn dreams into reality. In this process, although there will be a lot of resistance, but whether we should believe in their own ability, whether we should believe in their own goals. Do we persist for our dreams? Although there are a lot of unfairness in the society, but since many people can find their own coordinates of life under this rule, then why can't we find our own happiness. When happiness knocks at our door, we shut it out because of depression, complaint, and hardship. With persistence to realize the dream, heart to experience happiness. At the moment of looking back, you will find that happiness is just behind the persistence. Are you ready for the pursuit of happiness?









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