关于学会独立英语演讲稿3篇 独立宣言英语演讲稿

时间:2023-02-03 17:35:12 演讲稿

  演讲稿的内容要根据具体情境、具体场合来确定,要求情感真实,尊重观众。在充满活力,日益开放的今天,在很多情况下我们需要用到演讲稿,来参考自己需要的演讲稿吧!下面是范文网小编整理的关于学会独立英语演讲稿3篇 独立宣言英语演讲稿,以供参考。

关于学会独立英语演讲稿3篇 独立宣言英语演讲稿


  Learn to independence refused to rely on.

  Just after the "black" in June this year the baptism of the high school entered the university in the envy of the ivory tower. However there is a temple of knowledge but not dream of paradise; Here the opportunities and challenges coexist the success and failure; Here you have a lot of also lack a lot... When asked about the feeling of the college almost all the students in chorus answer: freedom. Indeed after 3 years of "bundled" after high school college freshmen are flying out of the cage bird ? felt the sky outside is very big the university is a whole new world in your eyes why the opposite point of view is formed at the professor? Why is the teacher in charge will appear only once for a long time? Why all tasks assigned only told what to do but did not say how to do? Made a month of college students -- (freshman) finally realize: university gives people the sky is so vast here don't like high school teacher from parents here you can think of themselves and must learn to think. To realize this many people into colorful life like a duck to water.

  University gave each new a new piece of the sky here you can choose what to learn how to learn you can choose what to do how to do it; Here you can know what is life and learn how to live. Flying in the sky is happy but if every newborn has strong wings?

  People always want to learn to oneself grow up if the ideal is on the wing feathers the skeleton of food and clothing live line is wings. Seems to be a full-fledged freshmen in wings but unable to do this. Because their wings are too soft fledgling. About the chemical experiment rational science wit I didn't know easy decoloring of clothes to wash separately; Speak of the literature in an orderly way liberal arts prodigy struggling in the stream of people like tide restaurant. Early in the morning the night is the time to most students feeling. And early to rise particularly miss my mother always harsh voice for the alarm clock always unable to play its efficacy late made the teacher met some classmates soon face; In the evening some homesick girl often secretly cry.

  If the above situation is still not common economic problems could be a big problem faced by most students. There is a classmate want to "independent" then to the used car market malicious kill a price buy back a quite new bike for this reason he excited for a few days. His excited however haven't in the past the chain lifted the lid off body revealed patches of rust car pedal shaft issued moaning when he went back for the boss only to find that "has been take yellow crane". And overdraft is some math grades high proud calculate algebra problem.

  People always want to learn to oneself grow up in fact the freshman of the first true examination questions is how to live independently and your first wealth will be learned how to live independently learn to independence refused to rely on.


  Teachers and schoolmates:

  Everybody is good!

  In our life will gradually grow up grow up we are going to face a test that is to learn to independent life to care about others cherish others. Then you should let into the quality of the childhood.

  But now the social life is not people imagination of so. Take the child and family relationship now most people are only child in the home in the home have parents grandparents' care care to have friends in outside have not affected by a little grievance. If life in such a space like this does not have an independent life let alone to care for others. Children live in such environment just learned let other people to care about his love him but he didn't know to care for others to cherish others. This will gradually away from his friends and to. The habit of such children only know clothing to hand foot. Then later can't to face the competition of the society also can not to face the test of life if grow up at work encounter a little bit of difficulty will wince not brave to face it. Grow up quarreled followed by others he also will only stand in his attitude to speak never stand in other's perspective and attitude to consider the title. If standing in the perspective of others attitude to consider the topic words then can better to solve questions.

  Win will tell the story below when there are two old fox had his own little fox fox can care and feeding. And even for small fox get enrichment and delicious things at risk to rush the hunter set a trap but wait until fox grow up in order to make them form the ability of independent living two old fox are desperately chasing fox put it away from your own. That we humans can't do it is parents wants to cast us out we want to independent life parents but the heart is too soft is not willing to let us go we have to stay in my parents' side. So according to become our country there are many children can't independent to life is not to care about others to cherish others.

  Then we should start small do not want to depend on their parents if the parents are dead when I grow up we will depend on who is that? Can only rely on our independent to life to face the test of life. Is every child can be independent to live to care for others then why is in fact not so? By which family the parents too doting on their children what have not let the children do don't let the children eat a little bitter so our country is not an independent life so that people can't to see the topic from the perspective of others. So much to see today's parents don't spoil their children should be in real life to accompany raising their independence to life also let their children stand in others' attitude and point of view to consider the title. So that they can to competition after grow up to face the severe test. So much to see all of the parents don't spoil their children also let go of your hand let their children to learn in life to independent living can stand in the other's perspective and attitude to consider questions then later their children can be for his hometown for the society to create the good to come.

  Thank you all!










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