父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022【3篇】 关于父亲节的演讲稿

时间:2022-11-28 08:53:00 演讲稿

  演讲稿在写作上具有一定的格式要求。在现在的社会生活中,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,来参考自己需要的演讲稿吧!下面是范文网小编分享的父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022【3篇】 关于父亲节的演讲稿,供大家品鉴。

父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022【3篇】 关于父亲节的演讲稿

父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022 1

  Yesterday was Father's Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn't remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him.

  Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

  What a wonderful surprise!

父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022 2

  I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy.

  I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.

  I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can't play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don't think work is a hard thing.

  My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play.

  He is a good man, isn't he?

父亲节演讲稿英语作文2022 3

  My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:“I love you !”Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to work hard every day.I also want to say to you:“I'm sorry!”because I often make you feel angry.

  I know I shouldn't do it.I promise I won't in the future.Do you remember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who is winner?I think you can and I compare.

  Finally,I hope you have a happy Father Day.I love you forever.

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