
时间:2022-12-12 03:16:52 演讲稿




  By the time John pulled into the little town, every hotel room was taken. “You've got to have a room somewhere.” he pleaded. “Or just a bed--I don't care where.”

  “Well, I do have a double room with one occupant,” admitted the manager,“ and he might be glad to split the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. I'm not sure it'd be worth it to you.”

  “No problem,” the tired traveler assured him. “I'll take it.”

  The next morning, John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. When asked about how he slept, he replied, “Never better.”

  The manager was impressed. “No problem with the other guy snoring, then?”

  “Nope. I shut him up in no time.”

  “How'd you manage that?”

  “He was already in bed, snoring away, when I came in the room,” John said. “I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said, 'Goodnight, beautiful.' With that he sat up all night watching me.”


  honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

  it is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the english language.

  about a year and a half ago, i took part in my very first english speech contest. when i stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, i could hardly speak. i stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. my fears had paralyzed me.

  while my passion for english has never changed, i lost my courage to speak in public. when my professor again encouraged me to take part in this competition, i said “no.” i couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. he looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. i will never forget his words. “look,” he said, “we all have our fears, and you have yours. you could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again. running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. a winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”

  i spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. then i made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: i would face my fears – and take part in the competition!

  as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, once again standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!

  thank you.


  she kindled a third match. again shot up the flame; and now she was sitting under a most beautiful christmas tree ,far larger, and far more prettily decked out, than the one she had seen last christmas eve through the glass doors of the rich merchant's house. hundreds of wax-tapers lighted up the green branches, and tiny painted figures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down from the tree upon her. the child stretched out her hands towards them in delight, and in that moment the lights of the match warm quenched; still, however, the christmas candles burned higher and higher, she beheld them beaming like stars in heaven; one of them fell, the lights streaming behind it like a long, fiery tail.

  “now some one is dying,” said the little girl, softly, for she had been told by her old grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the god who gave it.

  she struck yet another match against the wall; it flamed up, and surrounded by its light, appeared before her that same dear grandmother, gentle and loving as always, but bright and happy as she had never looked during her lifetime.


  A Clever Farmer

  Uncle Sam doesn’t like farmer. He thinks they are very foolish and only know work on the farm.

  One winter morning, the sun is shining. Uncle Sam sits on the step of his house. At that moment, a farmer with a map in his hand comes to him.

  Farmer:Excuse me, Uncle. Can you tell me know to get to the hospital, please? Uncle Sam: Lie down in the middle of the street and you’ll soon be at a hospital. Farmer Please set an example to me.

  Uncle Sam: I think you come to our city at the first time. It’s much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?

  Farmer: Yes, uncle. But it is built on the field. Uncle Sam’s face turns red.


  山姆大叔不喜欢农民。他认为他们很愚蠢只会在农场干活。一个冬天的早晨,阳光明媚,山姆大叔坐在门前的石阶上。这时,一个农民手拿地图向他走来。 农民:请问,大叔,去医院的路怎么走? 山姆大叔:你躺在街当中,很快就会在医院的。 农民:请你做一个示范。

  山姆大叔:我想你是第一次进城吧,城市比你那块地漂亮多了,是吧? 农民:是的,大叔,但城市是建在地之上的。 山姆大叔脸红了。


  I am a rich girl, because I have a lot of treasure.

  Families are also my treasures. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side. They tell me how wonderful to be loved by people you love.

  Experience is my treasure. Whatever good or bad situation I have to face, it would show me the right way. It helps me to know more about life.

  I believe I will be richer in the future. because the way of life is just like a journey of finding treasure .You never know when and where you can find them. You just keep going and they will be found in some time at some place. I will cherish what I have had and keep finding with my curiosity and passion .

  I fall in love with reading, because I can get the treasure of knowledge . I take part in activities, because I can find the treasure of cooperation. I enjoy music, because I can find out the treasure of beauty.

  Life is precious ,isn’t it? How can we get so many beautiful and valuable things without life?

  Dear friends, Let’s feel the world with heart, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You will have what it takes to make our path of success. That is the treasure of life!



  Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.

  However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don’t think so. I believe success is the realization of people’ s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals.

  Different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. These are the best treasures. So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. It is my success, cause I raise up to challenge my hope.

  What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life!

  Wish you all good success!


  I take with me the memory of Friday afternoon ACM happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. Over the several years that I attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.

  I take with me memories of purple parking permits, the West Campus shuttle, checking my pendaflex, over-due library books, trying to print from cec, lunches on Delmar, friends who slept in their offices, miniature golf in Lopata Hall, The Greenway Talk, division III basketball, and trying to convince Dean Russel that yet another engineering school rule should be changed.

  Finally, I would like to conclude, not with a memory, but with some advice. What would a graduation speech be without a little advice, right? Anyway, this advice comes in the form of a verse delivered to the 1977 graduating class of Lake Forest College by Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known to the world as Dr. Seuss - Here's how it goes:

  My uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant's bill of fare. And when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare . . . Then he spoke great Words of Wisdom as he sat there on that chair: "To eat these things," said my uncle, "you must excercise great care. You may swallow down what's solid . . . BUT . . . you must spit out the air!"

  And . . . as you partake of the world's bill of fare, that's darned good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow.

  Thank you.


  students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

  good morning !

  my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher…

  as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don't expect complete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life.

  i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

  i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that's the real communication of heart to heart.

  i have the belief that my dreams should come true. i am looking forward to some day coming when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.


  Good morning, teachers:

  I’m very glad to stand here to share my speech with you. Today my topic is Failure is the Mother of Success

  I am an ordinary girl from a rural family .I am less excellent than other childred in the citise , and not so talented. But I show my confidence in the stage.I don't expect that I have much success .I don't require myself how good ! Believe that I try my best to do it by using my heart.

  Although it would be a failure experience .I won't regret it .I still believe strongly in trying my best to do it. Failure is nothing,because I know the failure is the mother of success. Even if I fail .I can be pround of saying:”I 'm confident,I 'm happy.”

  Thank you very much!


  Good day ladies and gentlemen.Let me atrat with a popular saying.You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  My speech is titled,How to Sell Yourself.It means how to market your best features.It means how to present yourself in the best light.

  Hrer are some tips.Please listen and learn.Learn how to sell yourself.

  Most importantly,look like a winner.Look like youre going to the top.Project a professional appearance.

  Dress in quality clothes.Dress with a conservative style.Be well-dressed from your head to your toes.

  Dont overdress.Dress well to impress and show respect.Dress your best and youll feel confident and comfortable.

  Next,you must communicate clearly.Respond thoughtfully to each question.Respond slowly with total honesty.

  Be sincere and direct.Be sure you make eye contact.Try to relax and breathe naturally.

  Mind your body language.Stand up straint with good posture.Look attentive but also at ease.

  Also,you need a solid background.You should have a stable track record.Have exemplary credentials to back you up.

  Present a professional resume.Present all school transcripts.Be prepared to explain everything in detail.

  Offer letters of recommendation.Offer letters of reference.List awards of honors youve recieved.

  In addition,have a positive attitude.Be confident of your ability.Be optimistic about your future potential.

  Be polite and courteous.Be punctual and considerate.Exude enthusiasm and energy all the time.

  Dont fake anything.Dont be phony or smug.Be humble and as modest as you can.

  Finally,be assertive.Be self-assured.Be dynamic and aggressive.

  Keep trying to improve.Keep trying to get better.Always give one hundred percent.

  Youll win respect.Youll win trust and acceptance.With this advice,you will go far.


  trust and love

  good evening, everyone!

  throughout my years of being a student, i’ve had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that i’ll never forget and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable.

  ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for two months after arriving in the us, my english was horrible; my average grade was below c. i almost thought it impossible to learn english. then, one day she told me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike: both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. she believed that i had the quality of becoming wise. she even said that she didn’t have any worries about me, about my not learning english. with her encouragement, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. as a result, i soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, i got a 3.8 average grade.

  today, i still keep in touch with her, and she still tells me how she believes in me. sometimes, i’d think back, and wonder how i could handle all those things if it wasn’t for her encouragement and trust. could i be the person i am today? then, it struck me: what we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our best, and to live our life to its fullest.

  to sum up, i’d like to say to all of you: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life!


  Honorable Judges, fellow students:

  Good afternoon!

  Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

  The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

  The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

  As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.





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