感恩节小学英语演讲稿3篇 小学生关于感恩的英语演讲稿带翻译

时间:2023-01-07 23:00:00 演讲稿

  好的演讲稿可以引导听众,使听众能更好地理解演讲的内容。在充满活力,日益开放的今天,越来越多人会去使用演讲稿,演讲稿的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是范文网小编整理的感恩节小学英语演讲稿3篇 小学生关于感恩的英语演讲稿带翻译,以供参考。

感恩节小学英语演讲稿3篇 小学生关于感恩的英语演讲稿带翻译


  The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years。 The big family dinner is planned months ahead。 On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes。 There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash。 The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pie。 They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.


  everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with apead dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. but as cooking varieswith families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get aconsensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.


  all summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety,knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations and therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed years later, president of the united states proclaimed the fourth thursday of november as thanksgiving day every year the celebration of thanksgiving day has been observed on that date until today

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