
时间:2022-09-04 08:12:00 教案




  she is my mother

  she is my mother.

  Total: 3 Lesson: 2

  Teaching purpose: Use pronouns to identify people.

  Ask a ‘Who’ question

  Use adj to describe people.

  Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughty

  Who is this? It is me.

  Who is he? He is my father.

  He is handsome.

  I love my father.

  Teaching procedures:

  A: Revision

  1. Singing: Hello, How are you?

  I like coffee

  Teddy Bear

  2. A chant: grandfather, grandfather, old,

  grandmother, grandmother, healthy,

  father, father, handsome,

  mother, mother, pretty,

  Uncle, uncle, fat,

  Auntie, auntie, slim,

  sister, sister, smart,

  brother, brother, naughty,

  I am lovely.

  3.Tony’s family picture: Who is he? He is my father.

  A. The teacher asks and the students answer.

  b. Boys ask and girls answer.

  c. Girls ask and boys answer.

  4.Singing: Who is he?

  b: Presentation


  1. A picture of myself:

  T: Who is she? Ss: She is Miss Zhang.

  T: Yes, it is me.

  2. Teach the new structure: Who is this? It is me.

  3. A picture of our class: ( All the students ask together, and the one who

  Is in the picture should stand up and says: It is me.)

  ss: Who is this? S1:It is me.

  4. A Game: Look at the screen and the one appear on the screen

  should stand up and say the sentence.

  Tony, Tony, can you see?

  Tony, Tony, it is me.


  1. Go back to Tony’s family picture.

  2. father—father, handsome

  mother—mother, pretty

  sister—sister, smart

  brother—brother, naughty

  3. Draw the lines.

  naughty smart pretty handsome

  4. A Game: Who is handsome (pretty, smart, naughty) please come to the front

  Then chant together.

  e.g. Charley, Charley, handsome.

  Harry, Harry, handsome….

  5. Introduce Tony’s family members:

  Who is he?

  He is my father.

  He is handsome.

  I love my father.

  6. Drill: He is my father.

  He is handsome.

  I love my father.

  7. Look at your own pictures then do pairwork:

  A: Who is she?

  b: She is my mother.

  she is pretty.

  I love my mother.

  8. Drawing: Draw a picture of your family, then introduce your family members.

  e.g. She is my sister.

  she is smart.

  I love my sister.


  What do you want?I want……

  What do you want?I want……

  Teaching Plan

  What do you want?I want……

  Teaching Aims:

  1、复习水果的英语名称,初步掌握句型What do you want?I want……


  Teaching Aids:

  A basket some fruits some fruit’s cards

  A dice two trees

  Teaching Ste :


  T: Hello,Good noon,boys and girls!

  c: Hello,Good noon,Melody!.

  T:What do you see?Look,I have a beautiful basket.There are some fruits in it!Look,what’s this?

:It’s a……

  二To learn

  1 Show a pu et to students.Teacher and pu et each other say: “What do you want?I want……

  2 Show a dice to students.

  T:What’s this?


  T:Now,I’ll ask:What do you want?You’ll a wer:I want…… OK?(The teacher first turn the dice,as turn as ask: “ What do you want?”Then the students ask:“I want……”)

  3 Show the fruit’s cards on the blackboard.

  T:What are these?

:Some fruits.

  T: What do you want?

:I want……(If they’ll say great,then put down the fruit’s cards from the blackboard and give them.)

  4将小朋友分成红队和蓝队,请两队摘树上的水果.每队各选5名代表上来,分别为—NO.5,当下面的小朋友说: “What do you want?”时,—NO.5的小朋友根据老师的指令说: “I want……”哪个队的代表说得又快又好,采下的水果就归哪个队.

  5 将小朋友分成5个小组,每个小组一个球,抛的说: “What do you want?”接的说: “I want……”.

  T:Cla is over.Let’s stand up and turn back.To other teachers say:thank you,bye-bye.


  english song “Do you know the fireman”

  活动名称:English song “Do you know the fireman”






  2,玩具:听诊器、注射器、枪、方向盘、锅铲 玩具箱




  T:Hello, boys and girls.

  c:Hello, Jane.

  T:Your are my good friends. but I have lots of friends.

  gue ! Who are they?


  T: what’s her/his job?

  c: she/he is a doctor /nurse/ policeman/cooker/driver.


  由教师的提问:what’s his job? 引发小朋友关于消防员工作的讨论,了解他们的辛苦和勇敢。

  T:so, if someone ask me : Do you know the fireman?

  I can say: oh, he is my best friend.

  3、结合图片欣赏歌曲。Listen to the tape, and show kids the picture.

  4、Teacher sings a song again.

--- Do you know the fireman?(向左边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)

--- The fireman, the fireman?(手指图片)

--- Do you know the fireman? (向右边幼儿做出询问的表情和动作)

--- Oh, he is my best friend.(先指图片再指自己)

  5、根据歌曲内容提问,幼儿将听到的词句反馈出来。教师特别讲解Do you know __ 的用法,以及best friend的含义。



  8、玩游戏:Do you know

  大家问一个幼儿Do you know doctor?这个幼儿就从玩具箱中摸出相应的玩具听诊器,作看病的动作。




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