
时间:2023-01-25 08:50:00 综合范文




  Task:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it?


  1. 科技更新太快,这意味着人们不得不很努力地不停学习新的知识和技能。此外,激烈的就业竞争也让人们每天都处在紧张状态中。

  2. 需要背负很多家庭责任,如照顾父母,照顾小孩。而生活成本却在不断增加,这让人们感受到经济上的压力。

  3. 如何释放压力:多运动,运动能让人摆脱抑郁和沮丧,恢复精神上的放松。多跟人交流,这能获得来自他人的安慰,建议,和关爱,让人们看淡困难和焦虑。


  The acceleration of industrialization and the prosperity of economy benefit our society a great deal. But with the speeding up of economic development, people are facing more and more pressure from various aspects of their life. This essay will explore the causes for the heavy pressure and put forward some feasible solutions.

  One of the major causes is that people’s living rhythm has been promoted immensely with the upgrading of new-knowledge and hi-tech. To keep abreast with the society, people have to work intensively on the one hand and improve their knowledge on the other. The economic globalization strengthened international cooperation and expand people’s scope of activity. The fierce social competition deprives people of their spare time and makes their life more stressful.

  Another factor comes from the pressure of people’s family. People in the current society have to shoulder the responsibility of family maintenance. On the one hand, people have to care for their parents, creating for them a happy and comfortable life. On the other hand, they have to give their children good education. To earn more money, people have to work very hard to finance their family.

  If people live in heavy pressure, they will have problems both physically and psychologically. To relieve the pressure, I think the following suggestions are feasible and practical. Firstly, people are suggested to go in for some sports games in their spare time or at the weekend. Sports can build up people’s physique and make them vigorous. Secondly, people should communicate with others frequently and confess their trouble and difficulty to others, which is a very magic way to release one’s pressure. Finally, people have to find a balance between money and health. Otherwise, one’s health will be overdrawn and spoiled by money earning.

  In brief, good life should not be obtained at the price of the deterioration of one’s health. People should improve their living pattern and lead a life of high quality.(337 words)



  Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious relationship with the people in our lives.

  It is the people in our lives who bring us the most happiness. Family, friends and co-workers, who are part of our inner circle, share our experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains. Too often, many of us get on the fast track of life and take each other for granted. As a new millennium approach, more people disregard their passion and interests and choose careers based on job security, pay and professional promotion. As a result, they find themselves isolated and without friends. Loneliness is a common tragedy that destroys lives.

  Actually we were old enough to remember the old saying "Money doesn’t buy happiness", yet we strive for the material objects and pay a high price. The essence of happiness is the unconditionally love we have for the people in our lives and their unconditionally love for us. To live life only for ourselves will bring us nothing but sadness and misery.

  A self-centered life is an unhappy life. Selfishness is a major block to happiness. Our feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem cause us to be takers rather than givers. Our selfishness is often a mask for fear. If we don’t think too much about ourselves, we have a lot of work to do in order to enhance our self-worth. We must live for something greater than ourselves. To be happy, we must get out of ourselves. An unhappy person must turn outward, not inward, to find happiness.

  I truly believe that the happiest people are those who love many things. They love children, family and friends. They love sunrises and sunsets. They love life. They have even learned to love pain and despair rather than viewing them the opposite of happiness.


  Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?

  In our country, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn more money than non-graduates (a funny contrast in which It was opposite scenario when in 1970s china). I quite agree with those graduates who have paid a lot for their studies and expect to make more for either himself or his family. However, it is not so optimistically for those who hope to make it. The critical career competition makes them frustrated due to many factors involved.(79)

  One of the utmost factors is they feel what they anticipate is not matching up with what they have found in reality. Many university graduates are not satisfied with what they get for what they have done. As a matter of fact, some of them expect so unrealistic that they immediately lose the credit to the workforce they belong to. On contrary, some of the non-graduate students who are more realistic in career hunting tend to get more satisfied job compared with graduates. Thus what really matters here in salary balance is how one can contribute to the organization rather than what background they hold.(105)

  The tuition is really high in China. Many high quality students due to this have lost their academic pursuit. This is really shameful for a family or any government who initially should take the burden for whatever reason is supposed to be. Any responsible government should inevitably take this burden and put more money in order to bring up better next generation for the nation.(65)


