精品英语作文7篇 英语精选作文

时间:2022-08-19 13:00:00 综合范文

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精品英语作文7篇 英语精选作文


  Spring Festival is coming,I am very happy。On this winter holiday,I went to visit my grandparents with my parents。 My grandmother is very zeal。Our dinner is very delicious。After the dinner,the people gave me money in red envelopes。I am very happy in this family with my grandparents。

  Sometimes,we go to climb the mountains。The mountain is very high。Look!There is a clean river near the mountain。And there are some beautiful flowers,grass and big trees。Some trees are orange trees,the others are banana trees。Oh,I am very tired but interesting。

  I am very happy on this holiday because I like Spring Festival very much。What about you?


  The Lantern Festival, which occurs on the 15—th day of the First Month of the Chinese Year, marks the end of the New Year's Holidays。

  Lanterns are everywhere。 A most interesting tradition is the posting of riddles called 'Lantern Riddles。' Riddles are written on pieces of paper and posted on lanterns or wall。 Any one solving the riddle is awarded a prize。 And the food for lantern festival is Tang Yuan, i have made some Tang Yuan in a ginger soup, my wife got a serious cold, so i cooked a pot of ginger soup for her。 I look forward to the next spring festival。


  parks are my favorite places to go. bathed in the warm and gentle sunshine, i lie on the lawn, holding a poetry book in my hand to read. occasionally, my attention is drawn away from the book to the scene around me, which is unique in spring.thought therere birds singing, grass swinging, and flowers smiling, one sharp white figure is gradually taking up my whole view. its a girl, dressed in a white gown, walking slowly to wards me. breeze brushes my face, and carries the aroma from the girl.

  she is strolling down the path while her figure is rising and falling so smoothly and peacefully. the rhythm of her move ments composes an elaborate melody. her soft hair flows down to her waist, on which the sunshine casts a light of ring. the gown outlines her pretty curves. her skin looks so delicate that it, im sure, must feel as smooth as silk.

  now she is in my reach, only a foot from me. my heart beating in ecitement, i swiftly jump up, and bow a little just in the way gentlemen do, motioning a greeting to her. as a response, she turns around and gives me a smile, which reveals her gentleness a desirable character, not judged by appearance but fully perceived by what you find in her eyes. she continues walking and soon is out of sight, but im still there, realizing that there is really something left inscribed in my heart.

  简 评


  文章的语言非常优美,很富有想像力。例如,在作者眼中,the rhythm of her movements composes an elaborate melody;her skin looks so delicate that it,im sure,must feel as smooth as silk等。这是描写人物的文章中的一篇佳作。


  I love many animals. I love dog, cat, hamster, pig and elephant.

  My favorite animal is a little rabbit. It is my pet, its name is Lily. Lily has a pair of long ears, its body is white, and its eyes are red.

  It likes to eat carrot. It is very lovely, I like to play with it.


  The implication of Chinese people makes us fail to express our love in words all the time, and the kindness to parents' upbringing is even less. Although action is more important than words, when we have the opportunity to express our gratitude to our parents, they will be very happy to hear it, even as we actually make a return.

  People like to listen to good words, so do their parents. If you know your parents' kindness to your upbringing in your heart, and you always want to repay it with actions, but you say the opposite in words because of your shyness, even if you let your parents hear it, they will be hurt deeply, then the return your parents receive from their upbringing will be greatly reduced. Because so many years, you have hurt them deeply in words. They are just doing their conscience or responsibility to nurture you. For the final reward you give, even if it is the most generous reward, they don't care. In order to resist the harm you hurt them in words, they have been immune to all your actions

  I think we should always pay attention to our parents' nurturing kindness and put it into our words and deeds. When talking with their parents, try to consider their feelings as much as possible. Don't wait for words that hurt them to come back to repentance. Express their thanks and love to them with warm words, so that they can feel the reward of your kindness to their upbringing in advance. When we thank our parents for their nurturing kindness, we should try our best not to delay. When we grow up naturally, we should first think that our parents are aging people step by step. They can't wait for us to grow up too slowly. We should try our best to put our parents first and let them see the return of your nurturing kindness in their lifetime.

  In fact, parents do not expect our return. They hope that we can grow up happily and have a happy life. As for the return, our health and happiness are the best return for their nurturing kindness. Therefore, when we can express our gratitude to them for their upbringing, we should not be stingy. What mom and dad may want is a call sweeter than honey.


  Yesterday my mother asked me a question, which makes me a Joji monk - scratching their heads. She asked what I want New Year's Day gift, I said: I want to eat a lot of good food. Mom heard shook his head and says: I did not that necessary, you change one. I Yanzhuyizhuan, said: I want to go out Play. my mother said: I do not have time, and so have time to talk. Then I also mentioned several wishes, mother did not agree. Toss this one night, thought of going to school the next day but also had to stop there either. So I harbored an uneasy feeling to sleep. Today, math teacher took a card into the classroom, I think: Who is it? Who will do it good luck card before? Read to the teacher suddenly pondered: Baby Zhang Qi won to your greeting cards. I was very surprised, I thought of classmates were just not thought of himself, I harbored doubts take over the card carefully and remembered feelings above the words Happy Baby Zhang Qi children a happy festival! in the new year to study progress. Your father, mother. Although only a short sentence I read a long time, when I really feel blessed, there is such love my mom and dad, and I‘m proud to have such parents. What I would like to precious a gift than this do? Here, I sincerely thank my parents, thank them for sending me such a simple and valuable gift.


  This morning, after finishing all my homework, I went to the Peoples Park together with my classmate Mary to fly a kite. We got a very nice kite, and it was such a lovely day. So we were sure to have a lot of fun.

  I began to fly the kite. Once it went up into the sky, I began to run very fast, and hoped that it would go higher and higher. Then suddenly I felt something wrong. Looking up into the sky, I was disappointed to find that the kite had got broken. In no time the broken kite and rope fell over me. What a fool! I sat on the grass, feeling rather ashamed of what I had done.

  Then Mary comforted me, saying, Now, you know what makes a kite fly high. Its patience and skills. Yes, Ive learned a good lesson today

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