有关旅游英语作文3篇 关于旅游的作文英语

时间:2022-09-17 16:26:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编收集的有关旅游英语作文3篇 关于旅游的作文英语,供大家阅读。

有关旅游英语作文3篇 关于旅游的作文英语


  3.This summer holiday,I went to Sanya with my parents.It was a beautiful city.Our hotel was near the sea.I can see the sea in the hotel.It was really wonderful,wasn't it?I went to The ends of the earth,it was a beautiful view.Also,I went to a lot of places of interest.I took some photo there.I enjoyed the beach and the sea.I felt very happy there.It was an interesting trip.


  Have you ever seen a kite flying? Did you fly kites when you were a child? Most of the children in China fly kites.

  The kite is made of very thin bamboo1 slices as framework, then pasted2 with thick paper. It is designed to climb and fly in a steady breeze at the end of a long string, while the person on the ground holds the other end of string to control the kite. Most of the kites in China are made in the shapes of animals such as flying birds. Kite flying has been very popular in China since the sixth century, according to the historical records.

  Kite flying was one of my most favorite childhood pastimes3 in every spring. One of my senior cousins knew how to fly kite well and he also knew how to make a good kite. According to him, balancing the two wings was the key to make a kite stay in the sky.

  I have lived in Wyoming for twenty years, yet I seldom see the children here flying kites. Last year, I had a vocation in San Francisco and was glad to find many children flying kites by Fisherman's Wharf4. And I discovered many shops along with the wharf selling kites. With the advancement of modern techniques, the kites now were made of plastic cloth instead of thick paper such as the ones I used to play with, and they were much more colorfully painted than before.

  When the people hold the end of string in their hands, they can control the kite's movement in the sky. Once the string is broken, the kite will suddenly fly higher and farther. But it will soon drop down to the ground because of loss of the support of the string, according to my cousin's explanation.

  Once there were two kites flying in the sky. One was in the shape of an eagle and the other one, a wild duck. The white clouds amused themselves by floating around in the sky. The sun beamed5 with smile toward every one. The spring breeze6 made all creatures happy. The two kites flew side by side.

  “Are you happy?” the eagle asked the duck“Yes, I am very happy,” the wild duck replied.

  “If I could get rid7 of the control of the boy on the ground to get freedom, I would fly higher and farther.” The eagle said,“Then,I would be happier.”

  Soon, the weather changed. The nice weather suddenly disappeared. The white cloud left, the sun returned home, and the wind blew harder and harder. Taking of this opportunity, the eagle finally broke the long string and got his freedom. He indeed flew much higher and farther.

  But soon, the eagle kite was dropped by the strong wind toward the ground and broken into pieces, while the boy withdrew8 his long string and took the duck kite home.

  Freedom is the target every person pursues9 . But freedom does not mean that people can do whatever they want, regardless of laws and rules. It is a part of a reasonable political system. People have freedom; the government must create laws to restrict and protect the freedom. That is the way a well-organized society is supposed to be. Without close cooperation, there will be chaos10 , like what the above eagle kite met.















  There is a saying that “You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way.” With the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. During traveling, one can meet various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different places.

  Almost everyone has their own favorite place to travel because of specific reasons, such as the people, climate or scenery of that place, the influence of friends or some beautiful memories and so on.

  Nowadays, people do not have to think much about transportation. People can travel by car or driving themsleves to near places, or by train, plane to far places.So, if you have a place want to travel, just go and relax yourself.

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