托福阅读复杂长难句式解读6篇 托福阅读长难句分析汇总

时间:2022-10-14 12:01:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编分享的托福阅读复杂长难句式解读6篇 托福阅读长难句分析汇总,供大家参考。

托福阅读复杂长难句式解读6篇 托福阅读长难句分析汇总



(1) 雅思阅读句子较长,大多数句子都在20个词以上,很多句子超过50个词。

(2) 雅思阅读文章句型结构复杂,结构复杂的简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句、被动句、倒装句、插入语等句型使用频繁。











  1.to resolve a dispute means to turn opposing positions into single outcome


  结构分析:不定式短语to resolve a dispute 做主语,谓语是means,不定式短语to turn opposing a positions into a single outcome 做宾语,其中分词opposing 是positions 的定语。

  2. reconciling such interests is not easy


  结构分析:动名词短语reconciling such interests 做主语。动名词短语做主语,谓语一般用单数。

  3. it involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions,and making trade-offs and compromises where interests are opposed


  结构分析:这是一个简单句。主语是it,谓语是involves,三个动名词短语做宾语(属于平行结构)。在阅读中经常出现“a and b”或“a or b”的形式,其中a 与b 同义或近义,所以只要认识其中一个词就能猜测出另一个词的大致意思。例如:trade-off and compromises。

  4. the most common procedure for doing this is negotiation,the act of communication intended to reach agreement


  结构分析:过去分词短语intended to reach agreement 是the act of communication 的后置定语,the act of communication intended to reach agreement 是的同位语,对negotiation 进行解释。

  5. in other words,seeing large pupils gives rise to larger pupils


  结构分析:动名词短语做seeing large pupils 主语。

  6. yet , a father accepting responsibility for behavior problems is linked with positive outcomes


  结构分析:accepting responsibility for behavior problems 是现在分词短语做father 的后置定语



  1. Accordingto conventional theory, yawning takes place when people are bored or sleepy andserves the function of increasing alertness by reversing, through deeperbreathing, the drop in blood oxygen levels that are caused by the shallowbreathing that accompanies lack of sleep or boredom.


  2. The keyfactor in the success of these countries (along with high literacy, whichcontributed to it) was their ability to adapt to the international division oflabor determined by the early industrializers and to stake out areas ofspecialization in international markets for which they were especially wellsuited.


  3. In the second case, pollinators(insects, birds) obtain food from the flowering plant, and the plant has itspollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would beif they were carried by the wind only.

【译文】在第二个案例中, 传粉者(昆虫和鸟)从开花植物中获取食物,而植物也使得它们的花粉和种子相比于只通过风传播的更加高效。

  4. In the green-to yellow lightingconditions of the lowest levels of the forest, yellow and green would be thebrightest colors, but when an animal is signaling, these colors would not bevery visible if the animal was sitting in an area with a yellowish or greenishbackground.


  5. In a countercurrent exchange system, the blood vesselscarrying cooled blood from the flippers run close enough to the blood vessels carrying warmblood from the body to pick up some heat from the warmer blood vessels; thus,the heat is transferred from the outgoing to the ingoing vessels before itreaches the flipper itself.


  6. American paleontologists David Raup and John Sepkoski,who have studied extinction rates in a number of fossil groups, suggest thatepisodes of increased extinction have recurred periodically, approximatelyevery 26 million years since the mid-Cretaceous period.


  7. As amongtribes people, personal relationships and a careful weighing of character havealways been crucial in a mercantile economy with little regulation, where one'sword is one's bond and where informal ties of trust cement together aninternational trade network.


  8. The explanation is that the Mayaexcavated depressions, or modified natural depressions, and then plugged upleaks in the karst by plastering the bottoms of the depressions in order tocreate reservoirs, which collected rain from large plastered catchment basinsand stored it for use in the dry season.


  9. Inequalitiesof gender have also existed in pastoralist societies, but they seem to havebeen softened by the absence of steep hierarchies of wealth in mostcommunities, and also by the requirement that women acquire most of the skillsof men, including, often, their military skills.


  10. Ramsay thenstudied a gas that was present in natural gas deposits and discovered that itwas helium, an element whose presence in the Sun had been noted earlier in thespectrum of sunlight but that had notpreviously been known on Earth.


  11. Many complex factors led to the adoption of the neweconomies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'AinGhazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks ofabrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domesticstock.



  Passage One





  第二段:Gulf Stream 原本可以将大量的暖流注入到南大西洋,但是随着温室效应,温度产生相反的效果。





  Passage Two









  Passage Three

  学科分类: 天文








  considerable= a large mount of




  转折:but, however, yet, nevertheless

  让步:although,though,even though, despite,in spite of

  比较对比:more/less than, as…as , while, whereas, unlike

  条件:if, only if, except, unless, provide that, as long as

  因果: because (of) ,since, as, why, for, therefore, hence, thus, consequently, lead to, as a result (of),result in, result from, reason, A contribute to B, attribute/ascribe A to B, explain, come from, so A that B,A be responsible for B


  谁做什么,谁是什么 (一般删掉修饰语:定语从句,介词短语结构,时间地点状语)。








  Isn’t that just for when you need help with writing/, like an essay or research paper? (TPO24-C2)

  同学们一听就会知道是个问句,以及会听到writing、research paper这些词,但会感觉开头有点快,这一点主要因为发音快导致不易辨认清楚。本句其实是Isn’t just for sth.这种反问句句式,在听的方面主要是区分isn’t that和is that的发音;在理解上就要注意反问句所表达的偏强调的意思。


  But actually, it was a physicist/ who came up with a method that was a breakthrough. (TPO15-L3)

  这句话较简单,主要是同学们容易听懂了仍然不清楚这是强调句型it was sb. who…,而这个句型基本上是初中语法知识,但你看,作为用得少的典范,就容易反应不出,即使它再简单。


  So the original hypothesis/ that the stones found with sauropods were gastroliths/, even though it hasn’t been supported/, has helped us to make new hypothesis/, which may eventually lead to the answer. (TPO27-L3)

  这句话比刚才的难度要大,首先要判断出that引出同位语,指hypothesis,所以从the original hypothesis到gastroliths是主语,根据我们上一期文章提到的抓“核心主谓宾”的方法,要有意识抓谓语动词。接着听到even though,这个时候就要召唤语法预判能力了,因为even though固定搭配“虽然…但是…/即使…也…”,所以even though引导的都是让步从句,我们仍然要抓主句,也就继续等待刚才“the original hypothesis…gastroliths”主语部分之后的谓语动词出现,此后我们听到has helped…确定谓语动词。到此为止,主干部分已经清楚So the original hypothesis…has helped us to make new hypothesis。最后which引导定语从句修饰new hypothesis,较简单。

  另外本句要注意听出hasn’t been supported, has helped的否定和肯定,否则逻辑仍会混乱。本句语法成分较多:同位语,插入语,定语从句,但相对最难的是插入语。


  It was presented in the works of well-known Greek philosophers/ as early as the fourth century B.C.E. (TPO21-L1)

  本句如果第一遍没听懂,则要在精听中的第二遍听主干,也就是核心主谓宾:It was presented…再在第三遍抓里面的细节,也就是其他介词引导的部分;其中注意连读works of,as early as;本句为大家也用得相对较少的被动句句式。


  Only after the site at Gonur-depe was excavated/ were archaeologists able to identify it/ as coming from Gonur-depe. (TPO28-L4)

  本句首先听听前半部分有明显的停顿were,那么迅速判断only after…were是明显的倒装句。事实上本句很多同学看都不一定看得懂,这就考查语法功底的扎实程度了。


  DNA analysis is a staple of crime scenes—and crime shows, like HBO's The Night of or the old standby, CSI:

“We just need to get this to the DNA lab, confirm it's the victim's blood. And then, case closed.”

  And it's not just for crime: DNA sequencing also helps determine our relationship to Neandertals, and our primate cousins.

  Problem is, DNA's a relatively fragile molecule—it doesn't last forever. What's more sturdy is protein. So now researchers have come up with a way to use protein in a similar way to DNA: to link an individual to a piece of evidence or to determine ethnic background.

  The protein source these scientists studied was human hair, from 76 individuals of European-American, African-American and Kenyan descent. And they determined that the variation of a couple hundred proteins in a person's hair could be enough to single her out from a group of one million individuals.

  The way it works is that proteins are made according to the instructions in DNA. So one individual's genetic variations can result in slightly different proteins being made, compared to another individual. And by determining the protein composition, the scientists can then extrapolate info about the DNA. The results are in the journal PLoS ONE.

  The researchers say the technique still is not ready for prime-time—ideally the process needs to be more sensitive, to avoid consuming valuable crime scene or archaeological samples in the analysis. And the statistics behind the technique need to be validated, too. But someday, they say, it could come within a hair of DNA analysis.









  1. come up with 想出,提出(计划、想法等);

  例句:I had a hard time trying to come up with an idea.


  2. single out 单独挑出;特别选出;

  例句:He was singled out for special training.


  3. according to 依据,根据,依照 (原则等);

  例句:He ranged the books according to size.


  4. result in 导致;引起;造成;

  例句:It resulted in a diminished output.


  5. compared to 与…相比;和…比起来;

  例句:The cost is just peanuts compared to what you get from the money.



  Living at the top of the food chain, sharks can accumulate dangerous levels of methylmercury. So much that pregnant women and children are advised not to eat shark at all. But sharks can accumulate another toxin too, called BMAA, which has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative disease. Which could be bad news for shark eaters.

“Mercury in combination with BMAA is a one-two punch.” Deborah Mash, a professor of neurology at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. “These are two synergistic toxins. So even if there are low levels of exposure from the mercury or the BMAA, when humans are exposed to both of these toxins, then they will have a synergistic effect on the nervous system.”

  BMAA starts out in cyanobacteria, and travels up the food chain through crabs and shrimp and fish. And, as previous studies have shown, makes all the way to sharks. What Mash and her colleagues wanted to know was how widespread the problem was, and if the chemical often appeared alongside mercury. So they analyzed fin and muscle samples from 10 species of shark—55 individuals in all—from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. And they found BMAA and mercury in all 10 species. Suggesting that exposure to that “one-two punch” could be pretty common. The results are in the journal Toxins.

  It's still not clear at this point what sort of risk this occasional exposure through food might have. Still, Mash isn't waiting.

“I myself would not want to be exposed to BMAA or methyl mercury in my diet by eating shark fin or shark meat or taking shark cartilage products. We already know that mercury is toxic to our health. And we already know that BMAA plus mercury is a very bad mix for the brain. So people need to be concerned, and I think that's not only for the benefit of us as consumers, but also to the poor sharks, who are threatened with extinction.”

  conservationists have argued for years that sharks should be spared. Maybe now that it's us who are threatened... people might finally start to leave them alone.








  1. even if 即使;尽管;纵然;

  例句:They'll stand by you even if you don't succeed.


  2. be exposed to 使暴露于(险境);使遭受(危险或不快);

  例句:Women who are exposed to mercury, cadmium, or vinyl chloride before conceiving seem to be especially likely to have autistic kids.


  3. start out 起初是…;

  例句:He started out to fix the car himself, but in the end, he had to ask for help.


  4. leave alone 听…自便;随…去;不打扰;

  例句:Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.




  被动语态由助动词be 加过去分词构成,时态通过be 表现出来。

  1. therefore,like the timber barriers,the fanwall barrier can built without expensive concrete footings or piles,speeding the construction time up and reducing costs


  Be 结构分析:can be built 是被动语态,like the timber barriers 是介词短语做状语,speeding the construction time up and reducing costs 是分词短语做状语。



  Scientists felt that they could get an idea of how long the extinctions took by determining how long it took to deposit this one centimeter of clay and they thought they could determine the time it took to deposit the clay by determining the amount of the element iridium (Ir) it contained.

  句子成分分析:Scientists 做主语,felt 谓语动词,that从句做宾语。and并列连接词,and 后面的they 代指scientists. 整个句子是由and 连接的并列句。





  He told me that I had to attend the meeting.



  The boss was satisfied with what the young man did.



  Hearing the stories may lead preschoolers to encode aspects of events that allow them to form memories they can access as adults.

  托福阅读文章句子成分分析:Hearing the stories,动名词做主语,may lead 做谓语动词,that 定语从句修饰events,同时that在从句中做主语,them 指代preschoolers.最后they can access as adults.实际上是they 前面省略了that,因为that 在从句中做宾语(如果关系代词在限制性定语从句中做宾语,通常把关系代词省略掉)。省略关系代词的例句:X is a good skirt (that )I have always wanted to buy.




  Do you know the girl who is speaking with Mr. Wang?

  Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a modern city.


  It is significant that the earliest living thing that built communities on these islands are examples of symbiosis, a phenomenon that depends upon the close cooperation of two or more forms of life and a principle that is very important in island communities.

  句子成分分析:it 做形式主语,that 从句做真正的主语,第二个that 引导的从句做定语从句修饰the earliest living thing , 同时that 在从句中做主语,逗号后面a phenomenon 是解释symbiosis 的,that 从句修饰 phenomenon ,同时that 做主语,and 并列连词,连接 a phenomenon 和a principle , 最后一个that 是修饰 a principle,同时 that 从句的主语。

  例子翻译:在这些岛屿上建立群落的最早生物体是共生关系的例子,这件事是很重要的。共生关系是一种现象 ,这种现象依赖两个或多个生命形式的密切合作,同时共生关系也是一种原则,是在岛屿群落中很重要的原则。


  大苹果 纽约

  纽约,世界最大的城市,在这里,摩天大厦林立,有著名的第五大道(Fifth Avenue俗称第五街)、对世界经济极具影响力的华尔街Wall Street,以及艺术家们响往的格林威治村Greenwich Village。

  帝国大厦 Empire State Building


  洛克斐勒中心 Rockefeller Center

  呈现美国典型的一面,在都市建筑学方面也颇饶兴趣的商业与娱乐中心。自第49街与第50街之间,通过第五街的Promenade Gardens内,四季花草茂盛,美丽如图画,公园四周是具有代表性意义的大厦,诸如PCA Building、Radio City Music Hall,Center Theatre等。NBC与ABC的制作室就是RCA大厦的第70楼。【托福阅读】

  自由女神 Statue of Liberty

  世界著名的自由女神像,位于纽约湾的利勃坦岛上,像高约46公尺。自由女神像内部中空,可搭电梯直达神像头部。此外,还有新设的移民博物馆Immigration Museum。

  联合国 the United Nations


  中国城 Chinatown

  中国城已具有百年以上的历史,城内居住的华裔第二代约有六千人。中国城位于ChathamSquare的西边一部份,城中主要街道为Mott。城内有中国博物馆。大都会美术馆The Metropolitan Museum of Art乃是世界最大美术馆之一。自由代东方到现代,有关美术史的重要事项,一一呈现眼前。内中有一美国馆,可由馆中陈列品窥知初期美国人的生活状况。【托福阅读】

  华尔街 Wall Street







  阿斯托洛圆顶运动场 Astrodome

  耗资3,100万美元,于1965年兴建完成的这一运动场是目前世界上最大的一座室内运动场,内部装有冷暖气设备。棒球、足球、骞马,以至于马戏团表演,都可以在室内进行。紧邻的Astro World是一个规模极大的娱乐中心,游客可以观赏欧洲各种村落的景色,也能够欣赏各类表演。

  圣哈新托古战场 San Jacinto Battle field


  美国航空太空总署太空飞行中心 NASA Manned Spacecraft

  因阿波罗11号在此升空而全球闻名。美国国家航空太空总署NASA于1961年设立于休士顿东南方45公里处的克利阿湖畔。附近有General Electric 和International Business Machines等重要的电子工业企业,是名符其实的航空太空科学中心。

  展览馆Exhibit Hall的一号馆中,陈列着太空飞行员使用的器具、太空食物、太空船模型、月球上采集的岩石,对一般观光客公开。





【Section One】Article

  The benefits of breast-feeding are many and varied. Studies suggest that breast-fed kids are smarter, taller, thinner, healthier and less stressed than babies on bottles. Plus, breast-feeding helps moms bond with their babies and may even lower their blood pressure. So, is there anything breast milk can‘t do? Apparently, yes, according to a new study published Tuesday by BMJ Online: It doesn‘t offer infants much defense against asthma or allergies.

  That‘s a question researchers have long debated. Until now, the evidence has been mixed: Some studies have suggested that exclusive, prolonged breast-feeding helps stave off asthma and allergies later in life; other studies have shown no protection, or even an increased risk. But most of the available data has come from observational studies. The new BMJ paper, in contrast, was a large, long-term randomized trial that involved more than 17,000 breast-feeding women and babies, 13,889 of whom were tracked until age 6 1/2. Researchers recruited the moms in maternity hospitals and clinics in Belarus. About half of them — those who had already begun breast-feeding — were encouraged to continue breast-feeding exclusively; the control group got no such extra urging.

  Researchers report that women in the intervention group breast-fed significantly longer than women in the control group: at three months, 73% of the intervention group was breast-feeding, compared with 60% of the control group, and the number of women breast-feeding exclusively was seven times higher. By a year after birth, rates of breast-feeding had dropped across the board; but still, 20% of the intervention group was breast-feeding versus 11% of the controls.

  In general, about 10% of the children had ever suffered wheezing in their lives, though less than 1.5% had had full-blown asthma. Roughly 3% to 5% had had hay fever, and about 1% had suffered bouts of eczema. Researchers also performed skin-prick tests on the children; again, there was no significant difference between incidence of allergy — to dust mites, cats, pollen, grass and Alternaria, a common fungus — between the groups. In the breast-fed group, about 9% were allergic to pollen and Alternaria, 12% to cats and grass and 15% to dust mites. Absolute rates of all allergies were slightly lower in the control group, but the variations weren‘t statistically relevant.

  The BMJ study is “to our knowledge.. the largest randomized trial ever done in the area of human lactation,” write the study‘s authors. But it‘s not likely to be the last. Science will continue to debate the discrete pros and cons of breast-feeding, but doctors unanimously agree that breast, in general, is best for babies‘ health, growth and development. Mothers should breast-feed newborns for at least 12 months — and exclusively for at least 6 months — according to American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.

【Section Two】Vocabulary

  Limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group

  extend the duration of.

  To fend off, to ward off

  enlist (someone) in the armed forces.

  The period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth

  Action taken to improve a medical disorder.

  So as to include or affect all classes or categories

  To maintain contact with (a person) so as to monitor the effects of earlier activities or treatments

  A set of printed questions, usually with a choice of answers, devised for a survey or statistical study.

  10. wheeze

  Breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages. (of a device) make an irregular rattling or spluttering sound.

  Possessing or exhibiting all the usual or necessary features or symptoms

  12. bout

  A short period of intense activity.

  13. eczema

  A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.

  14. prick

  Press briefly or puncture with a sharp point.

  15. mite

  A minute arachnid with four pairs of legs, several kinds of which are parasitic.

  16. pollen

  A powdery substance discharged from the male part of a flower, each microscopic grain containing a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule.

  Is a genus of ascomycete fungi. Alternaria species are known as major plant pathogens. They are also common allergens in humans, growing indoors and causing hay fever or hypersensitivity reactions that sometimes lead to asthma. They readily cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised people such as AIDS patients.

  18. fungus

  Any of a large group of spore-producing organisms which feed on organic matter and include moulds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools.

  A disadvantage of or argument against something.

  fully in agreement.

  A branch of medicine dealing with the development, care, and diseases of children

  The secretion of milk by the mammary glands.

  An acute allergic reaction to pollen that is usually seasonal and is marked by sneezing, nasal discharge and congestion, and itching and watering of the eyes

【Section Three】Homework

  1. Please translate the blue sentence into Chinese.

  When the infants were about 6 1/2 years old, researchers followed up with standard questionnaires about asthma, hay fever and eczema. Rates of each condition were similar in both groups.

  2. What is the main idear of this Article?

  3. What is the main reason that the author is confident with the conclusion of the study?

  4. Which word is the “best” synonym of “recruit” here ?

  A. recover B. renovate C. refresh D. draft E. enroll

  5. Which kinds of allergies are described in the article?


  1. 当小婴儿六岁半时,研究员以一致的问卷来追踪哮喘、花粉病和湿疹。两组各项过敏的比例都很接近。

  2. Although breast-feeding has many advantages, it doesn‘t offer infants much defense against asthma or allergies.

  3. The conclusion is drawn from the largest randomized trial ever done in the area of human lactation.

  4. E

  5. asthma, hay fever and eczema



(1) 雅思阅读句子较长,大多数句子都在20个词以上,很多句子超过50个词。

(2) 雅思阅读文章句型结构复杂,结构复杂的简单句、并列句、复合句、并列复合句、多重复合句、被动句、倒装句、插入语等句型使用频繁。





  主语和谓语有两种顺序:一是主语在前,这和汉语是一致的,称为自然语序。另一种是谓语在主语之前,叫做倒装语序。陈述句绝大多数都是自然语序,但在某些情况下去需要用倒装语序。在ielts 阅读中经常出现下列三种情况:

(1) 以not only 等词引起的句子,常用倒装语序。

  句子模式:not only 句子1,but(also)句子2。


  其中句子1 要倒装,句子2 不倒装。but also 中的 also 可以省略。

(2) 比较句式,than 后面的句子可以倒装,也可以不倒装。


  Yang fan plays tennis better than Lin Qingxia does

  Yang fan plays tennis better than does Lin Qingxia

(3) as 和so 引起的倒装,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或事物。

  如:he is a teacher,as is his brother


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