高一的英语作文4篇 英语高中作文

时间:2022-11-11 02:01:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编整理的高一的英语作文4篇 英语高中作文,以供参考。

高一的英语作文4篇 英语高中作文


  Food is human’s basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history of Chinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern and Northern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner, I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.

  饮食是人类最基本的需求,但饮食因文化而异。色香味一直被看做是中华饮食文化的基本要素。在中国饮食文化历史发展的长河中,南方菜和北方菜有很多不同。一 般来说,南方菜更注重鲜、嫩,而北方菜相对比较油腻。作为一个典型的南方人,我更喜爱鲜美和纯粹的味道。所以,清蒸鱼是我最喜欢的菜。

  Steaming fish is a classical Guang Dong dish. It’s famous for light, soft and slippery taste. The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein.

  清蒸鱼是一道经典的广东菜,以口味清谈、鱼肉细滑而著名。所用材料必须新鲜,厨师需掌控好火候,以此保证鱼肉的鲜嫩。将鲜鱼放在锅中,用文火蒸8分钟。在 出锅之前,加一小勺油和一些葱花及一勺酱油,清蒸鱼就做好了。我的母亲很擅长烹饪这道菜。我非常喜欢她做的清蒸鱼,不仅仅保留了鱼的鲜美,也提供了足够的 蛋白质。


  We are having good living condition.

  And most of us are the only child in the family.

  Our parents love us so much that we can have what we want.

  But some of our classmates don’t take good care of these things.

  They throw away their pen and paper.

  Some of them even waste food.

  I think it is bad habit.

  As students, we should make full use of what we are given.

  If we don’t need something, we can give it to those who are in great need.

  It’s important to save the resources and it’s also our duty.



  We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.the majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation.Very few students,that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.What’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.Thirty percent of the students, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesn’t make any difference whether they go to college or not.

  In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.



  1. 乒乓球是中国的国球。乒乓球运动在中国开展得非常广泛,不管是老人还是孩子,几乎人人会打乒乓球。

  2. 在中国,乒乓球台案非常普及。不管是在公园、广场,还是在工作单位,随处都摆放着乒乓球台案。

  3. 中国乒乓球运动员的技术非常高。自1959年容国团在第25届世界乒乓球锦标赛上取得世界冠军后,中国产生过无数的乒乓球世界冠军。

  Dear Peter,I’m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people’s homes.

  The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the Chinese people are very proud of them.Hope one day you will come to China, and we can play a game together.

  Best regards. Yours, Li Hua

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