年最新初二英语满分作文范例合集4篇 初中英语优秀满分作文范文

时间:2022-11-25 22:00:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编整理的年最新初二英语满分作文范例合集4篇 初中英语优秀满分作文范文,供大家参阅。

年最新初二英语满分作文范例合集4篇 初中英语优秀满分作文范文


  Dear friend,

  Thanks for your asking. But I am really very busy. Do you know? On Monday, I `m leaving my town for another town. So I think I don`t have time for you.

  On Tuesday, I have a dacing lesson. Dancing is very interesting. I can`t give up that. So I can`t play with you.

  For Wednesday, Oh! I go hiking with my family. I can see some birds, trees and a lot of grassland….. Isn`t it very beautiful?

  On Thursday, I have too much homework. That`s horrible. I can`t stand math. But I am always a student, so I have to study.


  I have lots of things to do in my free time. I like sports. I play basketball with my classmates after class because I think doing more exercise is good for my health. In the evening, when I finish my homework, I love listening to soft music. That can make me clam down.

  On weekends, I usually go hiking with my family. The fresh air and beautiful scenery make me comfortable. Also I like helping my mother cook and doing some reading at home. I think doing these can relax myself.

  I’m going to visit Beijing during the coming summer holiday. Look! How happy I am! Let’s enjoy our free time.


  In 20 years, I think I’ll be a teacher . Becausa I like kids. I think they’re very cute. When I am a teacher, I think I’ll be very happy every day. And I’ll live in a big house with my husband. We shall have pets, I might keep a pet dog! I’ll probably go for a walk with my dog every day. During the week,I’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend,I’ll be able to dress more casually. I’think I’ll go to Sanya with my husband on vacation, and one day I might even vist Australia.

  This is my life in 20 years.


  Look, this is my family photo. This is my mother, she is thin, and she is very beautiful., she is 37 years old. This is my father, he is 39 years old. He is very cool. My grandparens are in the middle, they love me very much. My uncle is a teacher, my uncle and aunt are on the left, this is my cousin, he is very cute, he is a student.

  My family is nice, I love my family.

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