小学生英语自我介绍3篇(自我介绍 英语 小学生)

时间:2022-06-28 10:51:00 自我介绍

  下面是范文网小编收集的小学生英语自我介绍3篇(自我介绍 英语 小学生),以供借鉴。

小学生英语自我介绍3篇(自我介绍 英语 小学生)


  Hello, everyone. My name is Hou Wei. I'm 9 years old. I'm a boy. I am now in the third grade of Huayang Primary School, a famous school in Tianhe District. My nickname is Icedragon. Every October 5th is my birthday.

  My appearance is very special. I have two black eyebrows, like the wings of a bird. Under the eyebrows there are big, shiny eyes. I also have a small nose. There is a big mouth that sometimes makes me happy and sometimes makes me sad. My nickname is ice dragon because my hands and feet are always cold in winter.

  Today, I am very unhappy, because I did not finish my homework at home, my father scolded me. I can also say that success is insufficient and failure is more than enough. I used to be like a free bird, but now I'm like a caged bird. I was ashamed. I've never been like that before. I think afterwards, I must do it well.

  Once, my dear father and I played Go at . We spent more than 40 minutes together. After that, I still lost under my father's hands, which made me sad. I thought: I must play well in the future, this time can't, next time, I will try my best to concentrate. At that time, after a period of time, I sent out a message. Now I am very stubborn. I don't think I'm perfect. In my heart, I'm a failure. I think I can do a good job and not let others look down on me.


  Hello everyone! My name is Guo Shangwen. I am nine years old. I have a slightly tall nose, not small eyes, a pair of ears, like to keep a small flat head. It looks very spiritual.

  What I am most proud of is my academic achievement. I remember that when I was in the second grade, I participated in the competition held in the school office. I won the first place in mathematics with 99 points and the second place in the whole school in both languages. My father often told me that I could not be proud.

  My hobby is painting, but my parents did not support me. They asked me to learn singing and playing erhu. Later, I gradually fell in love with singing. In fact, my biggest hobby is to make some small inventions, small creations and so on. I have done many works of art, so my robots and cars are often broken down by me.

  I also like to raise some small animals. Once my father was on a business trip and gave me the task of feeding fish. As soon as my father left, I gave all the fish food to the fish. The fish was so swollen that it floated on the water. I called my father quickly. My father told me that it was because of eating too much and the deterioration of the water quality that I quickly changed the water to save my little goldfish.

  In fact, I also have many shortcomings, such as: writing is not very neat, exciting, slow writing, etc., I want to carry forward the advantages, study hard, and go to a higher level.

  After listening to my introduction, would you like to make friends with me?


  Who is holding the sky down?

  I said, "Daddy is tall." Dad looked me up and down. "Zhang Xingyu goes to the top, you have a lot of meat, you can bounce it back."

  No way, who calls me fat? 143 cm in height and 60 kg in weight, so the classmates call me "Duduge" very friendly.

  I can eat. My stomach is so big that I can barely fill up three bowls of rice at a meal. I don't know what's going on. My digestive system is so good. I had just eaten, and soon I was hungry again, so every day, my stomach was starving. I'm not picky about food. I like it as long as it's eaten and it's eaten by people. When a meal comes down, I wipe out the food on the table and in the pot. Mother said it was good to have me at home. The burden of the trash can was lightened a lot.

  I can talk. In my spare time, I will talk with my good friends, because I read a lot, often quoting classics and classics, soliciting extensive references, laughing at the sky, often attracted the students'eyes, teachers there about my "case" backlog. Because I'm fat, I'm not born to exercise. Sports is my weakness, less than 50 meters, I can run out of breath, can only lie on the playground breathless. The PE teacher came over and said, "Children can't be taught!" But I said, "Confucius said,'A good mover is not as good as a good eater, and a good eater is not as good as a good eater'." If the Chinese teacher knows that I use the Analects of Confucius so actively, he will surely regret having such a student as me.

  I'm also useful. In the final review stage, when the students were weighed down by a large number of papers, they would beg me to shout a few times to boost their spirits. Fat men have large vital capacity. Every class and school speech reading contest, I am singing the leading role, I heard that there are many fans, the school's language teachers set an example for me to read aloud.

  I am convinced: I am born to be useful. Stick to your own fat, let others thin it!

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