托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文3篇 托福独立写作 难题

时间:2023-02-26 16:10:00 综合范文

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托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文3篇 托福独立写作 难题



  Choosing a job: high-paying with long working hours, or low-paying with short working hours?

  Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.




  I am optimistic that through my studies and continued hard work I will be able to find a job that will provide my future family and me with financial security. We should be able to afford the necessities of life, such as a modest home, enough food to nourish us and keep us in good health, as well as education for our children. Hopefully, I will find myself in the fortunate situation where I can decide between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours. I would choose the job with the lower salary and greater personal time without hesitation, because my family and friends are the most important things in my life.

  Time is the greatest investment I can make into the relationships with my wife and my children. A marriage is not just a decision one makes but a promise that one keeps. In order to do so one has to be there for the other person and share moments of joy as well as times of difficulty. Nowadays, too many relationships wither away as the partners are unable to work out their problems or bond through meaningful experiences. Personal careers become too important and family time becomes a rare occurrence.

  The absence of one parent, due to professional career or divorce, can have a very negative effect on a child's development. The child might question his value to father or mother (depending on which one is continually absent) and develop low self-esteem. Without the presence of either or, worse, both parents, the child will be more likely to make bad decisions as he is lacking proper guidance. And there is one point should also be mentioned, i.e. neither expensive toys nor fancy clothes can compensate for this.

  Lastly, I can derive more pleasure from spending time with my friends than I ever could from driving a sports car or taking luxury vacations. The inner peace and balance that I enjoy from their company are invaluable to me. Also, a million dollars in the bank would be worth nothing if I didn't have the time to enjoy these riches with my friends.



  Do grades encourage students to learn?

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


  不同意比较好写一些。承认grades的一些意义的情况下,指出grades的众多副作用。观点:Grades do not always encourage students to learn. Grade对学生的好处:便于教学体系的整体管理。有利于学生循序渐进(follow the principle of gradual improvement)地学习。可以使学生了解自我的学习效果。 Grade带来的副作用:无情的竞争使学生们为了高分而不择手段(resort to every expedient),比如作弊 (cheat)。高分带来骄傲(arrogant; be too big for one's shoes/boots),而低分使学生灰心失望(lose hope) 甚至放弃(abandon learning motivation)。


  Does grade really encourage students to learn, and guarantee a qualified education? Hardly. Given the opportunity, students spend time using their intelligence to figure out how to get a higher or top grade without doing the real work of the course and without thinking, rather than spending the same time thinking and exploring, regardless of what grade this may bring them. It isn't that these students are not motivated. It's just that they're not motivated to learn as much as they're motivated to get good grades. Once one became grade-oriented in your thinking, it is difficult for him/her to stop thinking that way.

  Anybody who gets top grades is, in some sense, a winner of the system. But these seeming winners are, far too often, losers of a more important game. To win the grade competition in high school, most of these "winners" learned to ask what was expected of them and then do just that. They had to make sure they got high SAT scores by memorizing endless vocabulary words and by practicing a 1001 uses of the Pythagorean Theorem. They wanted to know from their high school teachers if the material being covered on a given day was going to be on the test, because they realized early on that the test is all that matters.

  When these "successes" of the system arrive in college, they, of course, have not changed their attitudes. They fear open-ended assignments. They are impatient with discussions mat are not going in any particular direction except where the interests of the discussants dictate, since they know that such discussions waste time that could have been better spent studying for a test. What these students have learned from school is the underlying message that the world is run by authorities who have definite points of view. The system has taught them that the way to get along in the world is to understand and to cater to those points of view espoused by the educational "authorities".

  Cleverness pays, but disagreement does not. Such students are in the process of becoming "yes men." On the other hand, students who do less well in high school are often rebelling against curricula they see as irrelevant to their lives. This type of student judges what goes on in school according to how well it relates to his own day-to-day concerns. If algebra does not seem relevant to the problems such students face, then they see little need to pay attention to it. Under such circumstance, the school might have been able to embed algebra instruction inside a task they cared about, causing them to want to know algebra because it would help them do something they wanted to do. But schools generally don't think like this, so the conclusion drawn by many students is mat since so much is irrelevant, they might as well tune it out. These students learn to get by as well as they can, separating themselves from other kids who are willing to play the game.



  Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study.

  If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.


  比较自由的题目,选一个科目,然后罗列三个理由。比如,学医可能比自己目前的专业更容易找工作(可以给自己编造一个非常偏僻的专业);救死扶伤很有成就感;家人身体不舒服却束手无策(have no more arrows left in one's quiver; at one's wits' end)很不好受等等。


  Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the "real world." It is my belief that college students need to be taught more skills and information about personal finance management to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life, which includes playing the credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness.

  Learning how to obtain and use credit is probably the most valuable knowledge a young person can have.

  Credit is a dangerous tool that can be of tremendous help if it is handled with caution. Having credit can enable people to obtain material necessities before they have the money to purchase them outright. But unfortunately, many, many young people get carried away with their handy plastic credit cards and awake one day to find they are in serious financial debt. Learning how to use credit properly can be a very difficult and painful lesson indeed.

  Of equal importance is learning how to plan a personal budget. People have to know how to control money; otherwise, it can control them. Students should leave college knowing how to allocate their money for living expenses, insurance, savings, and so forth in order to avoid the "Oh, no! I'm flat broke and I don't get paid again for two weeks!" anxiety syndrome.

  Along with learning about credit and personal financial planning, graduating college students should be trained as consumers. The consumer market today is flooded with a variety of products and services of varying quality and prices. A young person entering the "real world" is suddenly faced with difficult decisions about which product to buy or whose services to engage. He/She is usually unaware of such things as return policies, guarantees, or repair procedures, information of this sort is vital knowledge to everyday living.

  For a newly graduated college student, the "real world" can be a scary place to be when he or she is faced with such issues as handling credit, planning a budget, or knowing what to look for, when to make a purchase and whom to purchase it from. Entering this "real world" could be made less painful if people were educated in dealing with these areas of daily life. What better place to accomplish this than college?

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