
时间:2023-03-31 11:31:33 教案





  1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

  2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

  3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


  1.能听懂、会认、会读study ,History ,Physics等单词。

  2.会用what are you going to study ?I’m going to …等语句来描述将要做的事情。

  3.能口头会用Where are you going to go ? I’m going to go …/What are you going to do? I’m going to …等语句来描述自己的计划。


  Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

  T: Boys and girls, do you like games. Let’s play a game, ok? Now take out your books. I say and you show:

  Chinese, maths, English, Science, Art, PE, Music.

  Now, I show the books, and you say.

  Show the words about books, let Ss say quickly. 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网

  T: My kids, today we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese. (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

  1. . Learn the new lore: middle school, History, Chemistry, Physics

  T: Boys and girls, we are in Grade six now. We’re learning these subjects. We’re going to go to middle school this September.

  We’re going to be students. And we’re going to learn some new subjects. They are History, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geography…

  Show the books and the cards of the words to learn.

  2. Practice

  Now, let’s practice. Show the card of the word: practice. I show and you say. Show the cards of the words: History, Chemistry, and Physics. Read one by one.

  3、say the Chant

  Middle school, middle school,

  I’m going to go to middle school.

  History, History/ Physics, Physics / Chemistry, Chemistry…

  I’m going to study History/ Physics/ Chemistry …

  Let Ss read the chants. And make a chant by oneself.

  Step 3. Learn the text

  You are going to go to middle school this September. And Daming is going to go to middle school, too. Let’s learn more about Daming will go to middle school.

  1. Listen to the tape.

  Listen and find, underline the sentences with “be going to”。

  2. Listen again, and answer the questions:

  When is Daming going to go to middle school?

  What new subjects is Daming going to study?

  Step 4: Practice

  Remember new words by heart then have a dictation

  Only have one minute to remember these words in their own way, then they’ll have a dictation.

  Have a dictation: listen and write.


  Read sentences , pay attention to the time and say “Yes “or “No”。

  呈现句子:Are you going to go to middle school this September? 然后点击时间状语this September,时间状语可以变换:tonight, t 新|课 |标 |第 |一| 网 omorrow, next year, this afternoon等等,使学生更加明确be going to句式的用法。

  Read sentences and choose “am going to, is going to , are going to”。

  呈现句子:He …go to middle school this September.点击人称代词He将进行变换:I,she, we, Daming, you, Sam and Amy等,让学生选择“am going to, is going to , are going to”填空,使学生能熟练掌握be动词在不同人称下的变换形式,达到灵活运用。


  Unit 1 we are going to speak Chinese

  Daming: Physics Chemistry History

  Amy: Chinese

  1. Where are you going to go this summer?

  2. What are you going to do?

  3. What are you going to study?



  1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

  2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


  1、能听懂、会认、会读、并识别Physics 、Chemistry 、History 、Geography等单词。

  2、能运用I'm going to study___. 等语句来介绍将来的中学生活。


  Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

  T: My kids, yesterday we learnt Sam is going to go to middle school, and he is going to study physic chemistry, history . Today let talk about what are you going to study? (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

  1、Review some words about subjects Chemistry ,Math ,history Chinese…

  2、T: Look at here. She is lily and he is Peter. We'll watch a video about them. Before watching the video, let's see three tasks.

(1)Look at the pictures and read the text

(2)Listen to the tape and read each sentence.

(3)Students read the sentences and the new words. Then talk each other

  3、Talk to a friend. What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.

  4、Memory game: How are you going to go to school?

  Step 3: Practice

  Ask and answer

  Where are you going to study?

  What are you going to study?


  Unit 2 What are you going to study?

  A: what are you going to study?

  B: I am going to study Chinese, Math History, and Chemistry



  动词短语及其ing 形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone 。

  句型 “What are you doing?”及其回答 “I’m doing the dishes/….”。


  动词短语ing 形式的读音,教师要多做示范,逐步引导学生流畅地连读。



  教师准备本课时Let’s chant, Let’s learn, Let’s sing的录音带。




  1、Warm up (热身)


  教学参考时间:2—3 分钟


  如:My name’s …. I’m 10/11 years old. I like pink and blue. I like to eat fish and hamburgers. I can swim and I can speak English.

  2、Review (复习)


  教学参考时间:2—3 分钟


  教师拿出动词短语的图片,说:Look at these pictures. 。随后,拿出其中一张图片与学生交流,如:I can draw. 并做画画的动作。 最后问:Can you draw? 引导学生说:Yes, I can. 或Me, too.

  在此基础上,初步渗透动词短语。教师继续说:I can draw. I can draw a fish. 引导学生说I can draw a book/a kite/…. 最后,教师引出We can draw pictures. 强调并带读 draw pictures 。

  教师继续鼓励学生表述能力的句子,鼓励学生说出所学的动词及动词短语。问:What can you do? 学生回答:I can dance and cook. 等。

  3、Presentation (呈现新知)


  教学参考时间:5—6 分钟

  教师指着动词卡片说:I can draw a fish. Now, I am drawing a fish. 边说边在黑板上画鱼,并强调I am drawing a fish now. 用彩色粉笔强调ing 。鼓励学生做画画的动作,边做边说I am drawing a fish/a cat/an apple/….



  Doing the dishes, drawing pictures, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone

  教师出示洗碗的动作卡片,学生听发音后,教师说:I am doing the dishes. 此时可作为扩展知识,告诉学生洗碗有两种表达方法,即I am doing the dishes. 或 I am washing dishes.

  继续播放课件。用相同的方法让学生理解、认读:drawing pictures, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone 。教师注意学生动词ing 形式的读音,必要时多练习几遍,并纠正学生的发音。

  教师回放课件内容,学生再次跟读。同时教师询问:What are you doing? 鼓励学生说完整句,如:I am doing the dishes. I am reading a book. I am cooking dinner. …此环节中,教师板书句型What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. I am reading a book. I am cooking dinner. …

  教师播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生边听边指边读,力争做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。


  教学参考时间:3—4 分钟

  教师带领学生做快速反应的游戏。教师说本部分的动词短语,如:do the dishes, 让学生说出它的ing 形式:doing the dishes 。

  教师把本部分的五张动作的卡片面朝上贴在黑板、窗户、门、墙等地方,然后说一张卡片上的短语,如:answering the phone ,学生迅速地指向该图片,指得又快又准确的学生为胜者。教师还可以用卡片的字母一面进行游戏。




  1、Can follow the tape and points out the correct English Numbers.

  2、Can use the correct English pronunciation and intonation say 1 to 10,saying the chant.


  1.According to the teachers‘ instruction to act。

  2.Listen to the music, and cultivate with the ability of music songs.


  Through games, action performances and other activities, develop andmaintain students’ interest in learning English.


  To be able to understand and speak English number 1 to 10 。


  To understand and sing English songs


  The new teaching


  Listen ,act ,and the game method





  Let’s chant

  One finger, two finger, three fingers, four

  One two three four five fingers more

  Six finger, seven finger, eight fingers, nine

  Six seven eight nine ten fingers ten.


  T: Good morning! Boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning!

  T: Show me your pencil/ruler/schoolbag/book.

  Ss will do action.


  1.Teacher will show some pictures and let students describe thepictures.

  T: Look at the pictures. What`s this?

  S1: It`s a tiger.

  T: Ok! How many tigers do you see? You can speak Chinese.

  2.Teacher will write the new word on the blackboard.

  T: Read after me.

  Ss read the new words together.

  3.Teacher will show the other new words by the pictures.

  4.Students will read the new words by the cartoon.


  1.Teacher let students count their fingers. Who can act it?

  2.Teacher show some pictures and let students count it one by one.

  3.Listen and do. Teacher will say the numbers and students do action.

  T: Show me five. Students listen and do action.

  4.Students watch the cartoon and chant after it.

  5.Students read the new words by the word cards.

  6.Students chant after the tape.


  Unit4 numbers

  One two three four five


  1.Students will count the real things.

  2. Sing 1-10 English songs to your parents.





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