英语必背作文范例高三3篇 高中英语必背作文范文

时间:2022-07-14 08:14:00 综合范文

  下面是范文网小编整理的英语必背作文范例高三3篇 高中英语必背作文范文,供大家参考。

英语必背作文范例高三3篇 高中英语必背作文范文


  Yesterday, I went to a region to buy train tickets. When I was about to leave, I saw a foreigner come in. I thought he could speak Chinese, but then I knew he met some troubles. He wanted to take a bus to Hongkong and all he has was a paper that time, bus destination and destination were written. The problem was that there were four bus station in Hongkong, the ticket seller did not know which one he was to go. Therefore, I decided to help him. He wanted to go to the downtown of Hongkong, but he did not know which bus destination is in the downtown. So I asked the ticket seller about the information of bus stations. And then the foreigner ask several questions about time, bus station and others. The ticket seller explained to me and then I translated for them. Finally, he got his ticket. He was so happy that I can help. So did I.


  Time is the most valuable for people, because you can never own it again after it goes. When I was little child, my parents always told me that I should treasure my time. However, I seldom trusted in them because I thought that I just a little kid and I have plenty of time. But after I went to middle school, I changed my view. I spend all the day in school, having classes, and after class, I have to spend some time in study. That is to say, I do not have much time to play. Therefore, I realize that time is valuable and I should make a good plan for my life, so that I can live a rich life.


  Many of my friends do not like eating vegetables, because they think that vegetables are not delicious. They like KFC or Mcdonald's. Being different to them, I like vegetables very much. When I was a little child, my mother told me that I should eat more vegetables, so that I can be tall. Besides, in order to make me eat, my mother often gave me some rewards. As time goes by, vegetables become my favorite. Vegetables contain many essential vitamins and other nutrients, which helps us build a healthy body. In addition, eating more vegetables can prevent diseases. Therefore, we should have the good habit to eat vegetables.

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