黑龙江上半年商务英语准考证打印时间3篇 商务英语考试准考证打印

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黑龙江上半年商务英语准考证打印时间3篇 商务英语考试准考证打印


  1.yardstick n.码尺;准绳

【相关词组】yardstick compasses 码尺圆规

【例句】We need a yardstick for health.

  我们需要一个健康标准。 我要收藏

  2.yearbook n.年鉴

【商务用语】yearbook of commercial arbitration


  3.yeoman n.自耕农,仆人

【商务用语】yeoman of signals 海军信号士官

  yeoman service 优良的服务

  4.yield vi.出产;生长;生产 n.翻滚;汹涌;混乱;沉溺

【商务用语】yield capacity 生产力

  yield estimation 收益率的估计

  yield limit 流动性范围

【例句】This year‘s yield from the coal mine was very large.


  5.zeal n.热心,热情,热诚

【相关词组】show zeal for one‘s work 对工作热心 1.zenith n.顶峰,天顶,点

【相关词组】zenith distance 天顶距

  zenith telescope 天顶仪

【例句】He was at the zenith of his fortunes.


  2.zip n.拉链;能量;速度; v.拉开或拉上 我要收藏

【相关词组】zip code 邮递区号

  zip across the horizon 突然成名

  3.zone n.地域,地带,地区 vt.环绕;使分成地带 vi.分成区

【商务用语】business zone 商业区

  economic development zone 经济开发区

  smokeless zone 禁止吸烟区

【例句】This part of the city has been zoned as a shopping area.


  4.zoning n.分区制

【相关词组】zoning regulations 地区环境保护条例

  zoning commission 城市规划委员会

  zoning in urban area 城市区域的分区

  5.zoom n.急速上升;缩放 vi.突然扩大,急速上升 vt.使摄像机移动

【相关词组】zoom camera 可变焦距摄像机

  zoom ratio 可变焦距比率

【例句】The increasing demand for silk caused the silk price to zoom.



  1.wrap-up n.综合报道,简讯;结尾 我要收藏   【商务用语】wrap-up of a compaign 比赛的结尾   【例句】This is a year-end wrap-up of significant events of 1999.   这是1999年重要时间的年终综述。   2.wreck n.失事船(或飞机),残骸 vt.破坏,拆毁   【商务用语】wreck clearance 出险清理   wreck master 遇难船主   wreck mark 沉船标志   wreck removing charges 清除航道费用   【例句】The shores are strewn with wrecks.   海岸上布满失事船只的残骸。   3.writ n.文书,正式文件,书面命令   【商务用语】writ of execution 执行令状   writ of attachment 拘票   writ of possession 取回物业令状   4.wrongfully adv.不正当地,不妥地   【例句】I was wrongfully informed.   我听了不正确的消息。   5.yard n.院子;码;场地;工场   【相关词组】yard clerk (集装箱)场地管理员   yard entrance 进入调车场线路   yard inventory 调车场存车清单   【例句】Can you still buy cloth by yards in Britain?   在英国还能按码买布吗?   1.wobble n.摇晃,变度 vi.摇晃,摇摆 vt.使摇摆,使颤动   【商务用语】wobble wheel 摆动轮   【例句】This chair wobbles.   这个椅子晃动不稳。 我要收藏   2.wording n.措词   【商务用语】label wording 商标(上的)用语   treaty wording 协定文本,协定措词   wording of signal indication 信号显示用语,信号显示名称   【例句】Careful wording aids clearness.   谨慎的措辞可使意思清楚。   3.worthiness n.价值,值得   【相关词组】credit worthiness 信誉   4.wrap n.包裹;约束,限制 vt.包装;卷,缠绕 vi.缠绕,重叠   【相关词组】wrap up a business deal 做成一笔交易   【例句】The plan was wrapped in secrecy.   计划在秘密进行。   5.wrapping n.包装纸,包装材料 adj.包装用的   【相关词组】wrapping table 外包装台   wrapping store 包装材料仓库   shrink wrapping 收缩包装


  1. a change of pace 节奏变换

  you can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.

  2. a far cry from 相距甚远

  The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

  3. and how 的确

  A: She’s a good dancer.

  B: and how.

  4. a matter of time 时间问题

  It is only a matter of time.

  5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙

  If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

  6. a while back 不久以前

  We had a good rain a while back,but we need more now.

  7. all along 一直

  I knew it all along.

  8. anything but 绝对不

  I was anything but happy about going.

  9. account for 解释

  How do you account for it?

  10. after all 到底

  A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.

  B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.

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